Phase 1 - Morris Creek
Current Conditions
A large portion of Morris Creek is contained within Mackay Ranch, where stream function has been affected by a combination of agricultural activities and beaver influence (both historic and active). These impacts have significantly altered the natural channel stability, leaving only small portions of channel features intact. The existing channel also contains areas where the channel has become disconnected from its historic floodplain, which limits the stream's ability to properly distribute energy during storm events.
Several wetlands, particularly those along Morris Creek, have been established due to beaver activity. These wetlands create unique diversity that is beneficial both hydrologically and biologically. These lentic habitats in an otherwise lotic system establish a unique habitat niche, as well as retain sediment and organic matter in the channel. The creation of beaver ponds is important in the formation of new wetland and riparian areas. These environments are vital to the continued persistence of a variety of plant and animal species in addition to maintaining the water quality and quantity within streams.
Proposed Changes
Upper Morris
The proposed Restoration of an area with an extensive amount of livestock impact (approximately 78 LF) would include stabilizing the stream system at a new floodplain elevation. Stream enhancement is also proposed to alleviate degraded bank conditions in other areas of the reach, which will total approximately 1,062 LF. The remaining 652 LF of stream will be preserved in perpetuity.